Comprehensive Architectural Survey of Downtown Boone, North Carolina
This report, completed in 2020, provides a detailed analysis of 131 pre-1980 buildings in downtown Boone, North Carolina, and the factors that shaped the development of downtown Boone. Organized around historic contexts, the report divides the period from colonial settlement to 1964 into a series of developmental stages that tell the story of how Boone’s downtown core changed over time. The architectural survey focuses on Boone’s extant resources, while also contextualizing them to downtown Boone’s architectural history. This survey report was completed in contemplation of a Local Historic District, which is pending designation by the Town of Boone as of 2021.
Beyond its context narrative, the report also contains detailed entries on each of the examined resources, including accounts of the resource’s construction, its tenancies (where known), and both past and present architectural configurations.
Ultimately, the purpose of this report is to provide the Town of Boone and its Historic Preservation Commission with a well-researched history of its individual buildings in downtown Boone and the contexts that connect those buildings to one another. This study should be used as a long-term planning resource for understanding and interpreting the Town of Boone’s history, revising and enforcing its community appearance standards, UDO, and other planning documents, and establishing strategies and protocols for preservation of its significant architectural resources in the downtown area.